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See What You’ve Been Missing! Read Books and Use Email!

For users with vision impairments such as macular degeneration, Windows software is a nightmare.  The content is too small and the screens are much too visually complex to read. The fonts are too small, the images are too small and the screen is simply way too cluttered!  

EZReader provides custom applications written specifically with low vision users in mind. Those applications include a book reader, email client, appointment calendar and document editor. Their screens provide minimal complexity, unlimited font size, very large icons, and high contrast colors – all of which make it easier for users with low vision to see and read. There are dozens of additional ways in which a user can adjust how content is displayed on the screen.

Additionally, EZReader includes a powerful, optical zoom camera.  It can zoom in on printed materials (books, newspapers, mail, prescriptions, etc.) at up to 12X magnification with no distortion.

And finally, if you have favorite Windows applications of your own, you can use the EZReader screen magnifier to zoom in on the application screens.

The bottom line is that for low vision users, EZReader opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities!

New Vision Concepts
