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Go Drill-free with Air Abrasion Dentistry

For many people, their fear of the dentist begins and ends with the drill. Even though a drill in  the hands of a highly-trained dentist is nothing to be worried about, our patients are very  pleased that our Bedford dental practice uses air abrasion. If you struggle with the sight and  sound of a dental drill, or if anesthesia and needles cause discomfort, then drill-free air abrasion  dentistry might be perfect for you. 

Air abrasion is a drill-free technique used to remove tooth decay, prepare teeth for bonding, and  a few other procedures. It’s a great method to utilize for young children or those that struggle  with dental anxiety.

How Does Air Abrasion Work?

Air abrasion uses an instrument that works like a miniature sandblaster to spray away tooth  decay. Compressed air shoots tiny particles of silica or aluminum oxide at the stained or  decayed portion of the tooth, stripping them away from healthy portions of the tooth. The  particles and debris are then suctioned away through a small vacuum tube.

Air abrasion is a conservative yet very efficient method to prepare teeth for fillings, which is why  our team loves it. Our patients love it because it is quiet and fast. Patients experience virtually  no vibrations, noise, pressure, or heat like they would with a traditional drill. In fact, it’s gentle  enough that local anesthetics often aren’t needed.

Does it sound too good to be true?

Is Air Abrasion Safe?

In a word: Yes. The procedure is non-invasive. The only precautions needed before air abrasion  procedures are the use of a rubber dam to shield areas of the mouth that aren’t being treated  and protective eyewear to prevent irritation from the spray.

Advantages of Air Abrasion Dentistry

  • Air abrasion generates no heat, pressure, or vibration.
  • Air abrasion sometimes reduces the need for anesthesia, particularly if the cavity is  shallow.
  • Air abrasion leaves more of the healthy tooth tissue behind.
  • Allows treatment of multiple teeth in one visit.

Are There Disadvantages?

  • Air abrasion can’t replace a drill in every circumstance. Deep cavities or cavities between  teeth may not be suitable for this technique.
  • Likewise, crowns, inlays, and onlays cannot be prepared with air abrasion.
  • If hard enamel needs to be removed to access decay in a tooth, traditional methods may  need to be used first.

Drill-free dentistry can go a long way in easing the anxiety that’s kept you from the dental  treatment your teeth need. The longer you allow the decay on your teeth to linger, the more  damage will be done. Instead of letting tooth decay cause more damage, we can use this  state-of-the-art procedure to easily remove the decay on your teeth and improve your smile.

At Marea White DDS, you will get the comprehensive dental care you need to keep your teeth in  great shape. What are you waiting for? Give us a call today to schedule a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for air abrasion dentistry.

2117 Central Dr. Ste. 100  Bedford, TX 76021   817-283-0047